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时间:2020-09-17来源:澳门十大娱乐网站平台 作者:点击数:




一、主讲题目:居民生计的脆弱性及应对策略:气候变化和市场化中的乌兰巴托棚户区(Livelihoods,vulnerability and adaptive strategy to climate change   and marketization in Gerdistricts of Ulaanbaatar,Mongolia



主讲人简介:徐烨成,男,1989年出生,浙江江山人。2011年毕业于上海交通大学并取得经济学学士学位;20142019年毕业于美国奥本大学(Auburn University)并分别取得林学硕士和应用经济学专业博士学位。现为澳门正规十大娱乐网站讲师,主要研究领域为资源与环境经济学和区域与发展经济学,目前主要研究方向为农(林)业经济与政策、土地利用变化,城市化与人口变迁等。已在Land Use Policy, Forest Product Journal, Sustainability, The Rangeland Journal等期刊发表学术论文6篇。此外,还有若干相关领域会议报告和论文。另作为主要研究者参与了美国农业部国家食品与农业研究院基金项目: 生物质供应系统的整合研究 (USDA–National Institute of Food and Agriculture through the Integrated Biomass Supply Systems Project, 2012-2014)和美国国家自然基金项目: 人类社会与自然系统的耦合动态研究 (Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems (CNH) Program of the NSF (#1313761) (2014-2019).

二、主讲题目:Climate change, adaptation and inequality: the case of China


摘要:This paper offers a unifying framework for understanding the relationships among climate change, adaptation and inequality by using a nationally representative, longitudinal survey on Chinese subjective well-being (SWB) from 2010 to 2017. Both effects of long run average temperature and short run temperature fluctuation within a county across years on Chinese people’s SWB were simultaneously examined. Then, we found high temperature (above 30°C) negatively impacts Chinese people’s SWB, although they have adapted to extreme high temperature (above 35°C), the adaptation to high temperature at 30-35°C is just partial. Furthermore, our research also well documented the high temperature inequality in China, that is non-highly educated people and rural people are more likely to lose a more flow of well-being relative to richer people due to high temperature, their adaptation to high temperature is worse than highly educated people and urban people, respectively.


主讲人简介:李郑涛,男,澳门正规十大娱乐网站 澳门十大娱乐网站平台 副教授,荷兰格罗宁根大学博士。主要研究方向为环境经济学,行为经济学,计量经济学, 在 《Ecological Economics》,《Economic & Human Biology》等权威杂志发表文章, 长期担任《China Economic Review》 《Energy Economics》等杂志的匿名审稿人